Mark Lynas Doesn't Get It

Barry Woods points us to Mark Lynas's latest comment on the gap opening up between himself and anti-nuclear environmentalists. Yesterday I was an environmentalist. Today, according to tweets from prominent greens, and an op-ed response piece in the Guardian, I’m a...

In Whom Do We Trust?

I've been too busy for blogging, again. Moving house -- or trying to, and boring stuff like that. This is a very long post, and slightly out of date. So only read if you've got some spare time this Easter weekend. I will come back to some of the points I've tried to...

Fukushima: why greens turned on each other

<em>Published on Spiked-Online at</em> The coverage of the accident at the Fukushima nuclear power plant is dominated by the discussion of ‘levels of radiation’. Run-of-the-mill catastrophes – earthquakes,...

Fear and Fukushima Fallout

No blog from me for a while, apologies. However, I have an article up on Spiked today about the real and metaphorical fallout from Fukushima. Last week, UK monitoring stations detected infinitesimal quantities of iodene-131 from the accident there, leading to some...