The Ecology of Stupid

The Guardian has a revealing editorial today, which makes the claim that Biodiversity: It's the ecology, stupid At every level, human civilisation is underwritten by the planet's countless and still mostly unidentified wild things As discussed in the previous post,...

Trust Me, I Speak for Science

Two recent posts here have been about the role of trust in the environmental debate. Briefly, Mark Lynas and George Monbiot seem to expect everybody to share their trust in scientific authority, yet not so long ago, they were themselves suspicious of it. It was the...

Hope, Fear, and Miliband

Today the UK gets to decide whether or not it keeps the first-past-the-post system of electing Members of Parliament, or instead switches to 'Alternative Vote'. It's the single most pointless referendum ever, and owes almost nothing to a public desire for such a...

Mark Lynas Doesn't Get It

Barry Woods points us to Mark Lynas's latest comment on the gap opening up between himself and anti-nuclear environmentalists. Yesterday I was an environmentalist. Today, according to tweets from prominent greens, and an op-ed response piece in the Guardian, I’m a...

In Whom Do We Trust?

I've been too busy for blogging, again. Moving house -- or trying to, and boring stuff like that. This is a very long post, and slightly out of date. So only read if you've got some spare time this Easter weekend. I will come back to some of the points I've tried to...

Fukushima: why greens turned on each other

<em>Published on Spiked-Online at</em> The coverage of the accident at the Fukushima nuclear power plant is dominated by the discussion of ‘levels of radiation’. Run-of-the-mill catastrophes – earthquakes,...

Fear and Fukushima Fallout

No blog from me for a while, apologies. However, I have an article up on Spiked today about the real and metaphorical fallout from Fukushima. Last week, UK monitoring stations detected infinitesimal quantities of iodene-131 from the accident there, leading to some...

Making mountains out of meltdowns

<em>Published on Spiked-Online at</em> The destruction caused by one of the strongest earthquakes ever recorded, and the tsunami which followed it,were not momentous enough for much of the world’s press....

Media Meltdown

I have an article up on Spiked about the response to the problems at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant from the media and anti-nuclear lobby. Thousands of people are feared dead. Tens of thousands are missing or injured. Hundreds of thousands have lost their...

The End (of Nick Stern's Credibility) is Nigh!

Think Progress is a misnomer for a site devoid of thought or sensible conception of 'progress'. It's currently running a series of crass, pointless, sub-tabloid mini interviews with climate alarmist, Nicholas Stern. In the first interview, Stern expounds some views...