In Friday's Independent, Johann Hari has achieved a quite remarkable feat. How I wish that the global warming deniers were right Are you prepared to take a 50-50 gamble on the habitability of the planet? In just 1400 words he manages to cram in just about every...
The Consensus: Carbon DiOccidental?
According to an article at the Register by Andrew Orlowski: Japanese scientists have made a dramatic break with the UN and Western-backed hypothesis of climate change in a new report from its Energy Commission. Three of the five researchers disagree with the UN's IPCC...
The Conspiracy-Theory Conspiracy Theory
Our previous post, and one the week before looked at the arguments emerging from climate activists about what to make of the existence of an email news circular, operated by Marc Morano, the Communications Director at the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee,...
Cut and Paste Journalism
BBC bosses today tried to make excuses for the cut-and-paste job by BBC science journalist, Susan Watts, as discovered by Tony at Harmless Sky recently. Answering criticism on Watts' blog, Newsnight Editor Peter Rippon said: We did edit sections of the speech to...
Hansen’s Glacial Recession
A CNN article at the end of last week said that A team of international scientists led by Dr James Hansen, director of NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Studies, say that carbon dioxide (CO2) levels are already in the danger zone. The ‘danger zone’? Is that...
Biased Broadcasting Climate
Dr. Iain Stewart's new BBC2 series Earth: The Climate Wars promised to be a 'definitive guide' to the climate debate. Instead, this week's episode 'Fightback', which focused on the sceptics was as shallow and as hollow as any old commentary. The film's blurb on BBC...
Ethics? What Ethics?
Ben has a review of James Garvey's The Ethics of Climate Change: right and wrong in a changing world over at Culture Wars: Few arguments in favour of action to mitigate the effects of climate change begin without claiming that ‘the science is in’. James Garvey’s The...
Pesky Oreskes
And so to the 2nd (and quite possibly the final) part in our mini-series of posts about videos that really annoy us: “The American Denial of Global Warming” We find ourselves somewhat obsessed with this one. It's a lecture by Naomi Oreskes, professor of the history of...
For Those Watching in Black and White
Climate Debate Daily is a shiny new site from the nice people who brought you Arts & Letters Daily. Dennis "A&L" Dutton, who is sceptical about the idea that the present warming trend is mostly anthropogenic, has got together with Douglas Campbell, a...
People in Greenhouses Throwing Stones
We promised to provide a breakdown of the IPCC's WGI as we did for WGII and III. So here goes: As before, we've limited ourselves to those contributors based in the UK or USA. That gives us 303 authors to work with out of a total of 618. That's nearly half the total -...