On the BBC's Horizon tonight, Sir David Attenborough, patron of the Optimum Population Trust, tackles the question How Many People Can Live on Planet Earth? Except he doesn't. He comes up with an answer alright - 15 billion if we all live like the average Indian, 2.5...
The Illusion and Politics of Necessity
Our last post got us thinking a bit more about the WHO's attribution of 150,000 deaths a year to climate change, now superseded by the GHF's 300,000. As we said, headlines - thousands and thousands of them - were generated by the 'cause' that was least significant in...
The Age of the Age of Stupid
It is telling that parts of the environmental movement attempt to ram home their message by telling the rest of the world that they are stupid for not getting it. As we have shown here on Climate Resistance, some argue that psychological mechanisms might be to blame...
Watering Down Development
Before the abysmal British summers of 2007 and 2008, a series of hot summers lead to the inevitable speculation that the UK would, in the near future, have a summer climate like that of the Mediterranean. If only! This in turn fuelled speculation that the water supply...
Who is Pachauri Calling 'Flat Earthers'?
A hat-tip to Anthony Watts, who points to an interview in the Chicago Tribune with head of the IPCC, Rajendra Pachauri. Q: What do you think about the small but vocal group of doubters still out there? A: There is, even today, a Flat Earth Society that meets every...