Dr. Iain Stewart's new BBC2 series Earth: The Climate Wars promised to be a 'definitive guide' to the climate debate. Instead, this week's episode 'Fightback', which focused on the sceptics was as shallow and as hollow as any old commentary. The film's blurb on BBC...
90 Minutes of TV; 16 Months of Handwaving…
...and counting... Every day in the UK, £millions are spent on making sure that national and local government departments do not produce too much CO2. Business, schools and hospitals have to make sure they are complying with regulations that require them to reduce...
Polls Apart
One of our major gripes with Environmentalism concerns the claims made by its adherents that it is some sort of popular, grass-roots movement. Time and again, polls suggest otherwise. And yet these polls are rarely, if ever, reported in terms of the undemocratic...
Who'd've Discredited It?
'Case against climate change discredited by study' shrieked the Independent yesterday. That must be one hell of a study. Except that it isn't: A difference in the way British and American ships measured the temperature of the ocean during the 1940s may explain why the...
The Black and White Aerosols Show
A paper published in Nature Geoscience last month received a lot of media attention. And rightly so. It showed that the Black Carbon (BC) component of soot is responsible for up to 60% as much warming as CO2. That is significant for many reasons, only some of which...
More Heat than Light on the Warming Swindle
Martin Durkin's Great Global Warming Swindle is in the news again following an open letter to Wag TV signed by 37 scientists. The Letter, organised by Bob Ward - former Senior Manager for Policy Communication at the Royal Society, complains about the DVD release of...