According to CNN, Prince Charles, who at some point in the future can look forward to inheriting the United Kingdom, has just signed a book and film deal. Yes, the Prince of Wales is Britain's answer to Al Gore. "I believe that true sustainability depends...
Friend (of Democracy) or FoE?
A single press release; double standards. Yesterday, in response to the UK's proposed climate change bill, Friends of the Earth UK director, Tony Juniper said: We’re delighted that the UK is set to become the first nation to introduce legislation to cut its...
Charlie, Carbon, and the Carrots
Prince Charles's footprint has hit the headlines again. He is now officially 'carbon neutral'. Among the first to congratulate the next in line to the throne was Friends of the Earth Director, Tony Juniper: The fact he reduced his carbon emissions by 9% in the last...
Is Juniper on the Gin?
When environmentalists aren't aping the war on terror ('you're either with us or against us', not to mention sexing up documents to generate an unwarranted sense of urgency) they can sometimes sound uncannily like the lunatic extremists that the war on terror is...
Environmentalism Spiked
Three excellent pieces from Spiked about the green movement...First, Rob Lyons' 'The IPCC goes looking for bad news' is based on an interview with Aynsley Kellow, a contributor to recent IPCC reports.'even though Kellow has expressed public disagreement with the...