One Giant Bleak Against Mankind

I have an article over at Spiked, on the matter of that dodgy 'NASA-funded' end-is-nigh report. The article, by the catastrophile and author of The Crisis of Civilisation, Nafeez Ahmed, was soon picked up by dozens of other newspapers, and hundreds of websites, all...

Using NASA to scare the masses into action

An apocalyptic report touted by doom-monger Nafeez Ahmed says more about its promoters than it does about civilisation's future. A recent Guardian article stated that a ‘NASA-funded study’ had predicted that ‘industrial civilisation’ is ‘headed for irreversible...

The GWPF, Crok & Lewis, and Positioning Sceptics

As we all now know, Marcel Crok and Nicholas Lewis have written a report on the IPCC's treatment of climate sensitivity, published by the GWPF. The GWPF's press release is here, the long version of the report is here, and the short version is here. Andrew Orlowski has...