The Far-Right Deep-Green Hoo-Ha

The British National Party (BNP) causes much anxiety to today’s mainstream politicians. Almost entirely unable to take the immigration debate head on, Britain’s parties have, for the last few years been wholly mealy-mouthed about their policies. The juggling act...

Hansen’s Glacial Recession

A CNN article at the end of last week said that A team of international scientists led by Dr James Hansen, director of NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Studies, say that carbon dioxide (CO2) levels are already in the danger zone. The ‘danger zone’? Is that...

Let Them Eat Shrubbery

Science is often at its most newsworthy when it proves the blatantly obvious: getting drunk makes you more likely to fall over; sunbathing is a risk factor for sunburn, etc. But science that 'proves' something that journalists, commentators and policy bods like to...

Who Do You Love?

The BBC report on a paper published in the current issue of Nature that poses a bit of a moral conundrum for environmentalists: A new model of the Earth's climate suggests that human-made carbon dioxide emissions may prevent the onset of the next ice age. Based on...

Painting Pictures of Poverty

It’s Oxfam. Again. Some people have been a little confused about our ‘attacks’ on Oxfam. Why would we want to criticise nice people who are trying to do good? We are interested in the ideas which Oxfam use to understand and explain the problems they hope to answer....

“Environmental Justice” – a Fiction

Oxfam, with the Climate Justice Program and Advocates for International Development are running a competition. We are calling on lawyers, academics and law students worldwide to put forward the strongest legal case possible to demonstrate that rich countries’...

The Greens and the Bell-Curve

A little article on the Times website caught our eye. Cleverer children are more likely to vote for the Green Party or the Liberal Democrats in a general election than other parties when they become adults, research suggests. The study, by the University of Edinburgh...

Climate Change Bill. Part 3 – 'Ayes' Wide Shut

There is a list of the MPs - our 'democratic representatives' - in the house of commons who voted for the Climate Change Bill ammendment's on Tuesday at 470 (out of 646)...

The Climate Change Bill. Part 2 – Appealing to Authority.

Here is an exchange between Peter Lilley MP, and other members of the House of Commons on Tuesday's reading of the Climate Change Bill.  Notice how Elliot Morley cites Stern and Lord Turner as authorities.  It is as if Stern had no critics. The entire house of commons...

The Climate Change Bill. Part 1 – They Don't Work for You.

The third reading of the Climate Change Bill took place in parliament yesterday. More on that later. The reading was preceded by an Early Day Motion (EDM) to include shipping and aviation in the scope of the bill. EDM 2233 - CLIMATE CHANGE BILL (No. 2) - 14.10.2008...