Given that climate sceptics are as bad as the tobacco lobby and holocaust deniers, and that climate change is worse than international terrorism, which is worse than obesity, which is worse than climate change, and that the church is as desperate to connect with the...
Save Any Planet
For Green buffoonery in all its ghastly, opportunistic, incompetent, self-righteous glory, there is the latest episode of the BBC's The Apprentice. That's the series where someone incredibly rich and successful like Donald Trump conducts a "job interview from hell" in...
Climate Deniers Are Slaves to Democracy
On the New Scientist (which is neither) blog last week, Catherine Brahic, the rag's online environment reporter was struck by a paper published in the journal Climatic Change. Brahic summarises: Davidson claims that historical hindsight shows how preposterous the...
Lucas and the Majority of Some Scientists
In a conversation about EU policy on restricting CO2 emissions from aircraft, on BBC Radio 4's Today program, this morning, Caroline Lucas, Green MEP for the Southeast region said Well, when you hear scientists say that we have about eight years left in order to...
Nobody Expects the Cimate Inquisition
'Sustainable' blogging (geddit?) is a bit difficult when even the green news-makers have jetted off to catch some sun... This isn't climate change, it's silly season, and there's not much news around. We have reported before how the environmentalist's view of the...
More on Lucas
We are surprised that the media has paid such little attention to Caroline Lucas’s statements likening climate change scepticism to holocaust denial. Her comments expose much of what is rotten about the environmental movement: its lack of proportion, its religiosity,...
Caroline Lucas's Radio Gaga
Caroline Lucas was on BBC Radio Oxford's Bill Heine show last night to explain why she thinks climate change scepticism is the same as holocaust denial.There is so much wrong with this that it's going to take us a little while to list it all. We'll get back to you...
56% of You are Fascist B***ards
We mentioned yesterday that Ipsos MORI regard the majority of the UK population as ignorant sheep who can't come to an informed decision even if it's handed to them on a plate. Well, next to what Caroline Lucas, Green Party MEP for the UK South East region, thinks of...