...and counting... Every day in the UK, £millions are spent on making sure that national and local government departments do not produce too much CO2. Business, schools and hospitals have to make sure they are complying with regulations that require them to reduce...
Polls Apart
One of our major gripes with Environmentalism concerns the claims made by its adherents that it is some sort of popular, grass-roots movement. Time and again, polls suggest otherwise. And yet these polls are rarely, if ever, reported in terms of the undemocratic...
Who Are the Real Climate Criminals?
If there's one thing that's supposed to annoy us British about Americans, it's their environmentally unfriendly ways. And not just George Bush and his Exxon-funded cronies. It's the whole lot of them – as highlighted by the recent ABC News poll where "global warming"...
56% of You are Fascist B***ards
We mentioned yesterday that Ipsos MORI regard the majority of the UK population as ignorant sheep who can't come to an informed decision even if it's handed to them on a plate. Well, next to what Caroline Lucas, Green Party MEP for the UK South East region, thinks of...
56 Per Cent of You Are STUPID (Or is it Just Ipsos MORI?)
Ipsos Mori are about to publish some research they've done, Tipping Point Or Turning Point? Social Marketing & Climate Change Phil Downing, head of environmental research at the company, and one of the report's authors appeared on yesterday's Today program on BBC...