Going Green, or Growing Mould?

During my very busy spring and summer, one of the things I didn’t have time to do was look more closely at the UK’s General Election results. This post comes a bit late, but it’s worth saying, nonetheless. The election was perhaps the dullest and least inspiring in...

The Environmentalist’s Paradox that Wasn’t a Paradox

Leo Hickman, Guardian’s ‘ethical’ agony aunt, usually occupies himself with the kind of pointless, trivial, and often completely bizarre ethical questions that only trouble the most moneyed and morally-disoriented environmentalist: Which is the most eco-friendly...

Lomborg's Technology-Led Policy

Roger Pielke Jr has a post about Bjorn Lomborg's apparent turnaround on the climate issue. Specifically, his proposal for a low (starting and rising) carbon tax to fund innovation comes directly from the work of Isabel Galiana and Chris Green (in the video above) of...

What Happens When the Think-Tank is Empty of Thought?

As has been said before on this blog, environmentalism is not as much an concrete idea in itself as it is a constellation of phenomena. Its parts move independently to intersect with many other issues. One such convergence of issues is epitomised by the New Economics...

Statistical Insignificance

Statistical Insignificance 25 months ago, Andrew Simms, Policy Director of the New Economics Foundation (NEF), warned that there are only 100 months to save the planet. Writing in the Guardian today, he reminds us that there are only 75 months of his deadline...