The Spy Who Nagged Me

The Guardian has a couple of articles claiming that the UK police infiltrated environmental activist organisations. Today's paper: He turned up with long hair, tattoos and an insatiable appetite for climbing trees. Few people suspected anything odd of the man who...

One Law for Tree, Another for Ewe

This is Polly Higgins, she's a barrister, and an eco-warrior. She wants there to be an international law to punish 'ecocide'. [youtube NwQ82ZQJ6Hk] This is why this is an absurd idea, in case it wasn't already obvious. Higgins idea is that ecocide is "the extensive...

Eco-Nutcases Make Bad Law

Geoff points us to a Guardian article, which he points out goes some way to demonstrating the tendency of climate-alarmists to undermine their own credibility, and to alienate themselves against the wider public. Rather like the 10:10 campaign did with the...

Disclaiming Environmentalism

Another interesting disclaimer from the front cover of expensive reports commissioned by the Committee on Climate Change... This one looks at the future of wind energy in the UK. While Pöyry Energy (Oxford) Ltd (“Pöyry”) considers that the information and opinions...

Forecasting Ambivalence

While we're on the subject of making predictions... I was interested in this post by Roger Pielke Jr yesterday. Forecasting the future is fraught with difficulties.  It can be even more challenging if people pay attention to your forecasts and use them in decision...

The Year of the Sceptic?

The Guardian have annouced that '2010 was the Year of the [climate] Sceptics'. But, says the Guardian, sceptics should not sleep easy in their beds; 'science' is making a comeback... By contrast, 2011 could just see the triumph of science, for two reasons. First, the...

New Year, New Site

Happy new year... As you can see, we have a new site design, on a new server. Please feel free to express any thoughts about it in the comments. Anything need to be changed? Could something be better? Is it easy to navigate/read?