The crippling cost of Net Zero

Green technocrats are utterly indifferent to the lives of ordinary people. The International Energy Agency (IEA) published a special report last week, setting out its proposals for achieving ‘Net Zero’ carbon emissions. One of its headline demands is that gas-fired...

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Do we really want to go to war for the climate?

The British defence establishment is spoiling to become the global climate police. Senior politicians and officials seem to be carving out a new green role for Britain’s armed forces and so-called ‘intelligence’ agencies. According to these reports, troops and spies...

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The vanity of the global climate talks

Who in their right mind thinks Boris, Biden and Ursula will ‘save the world’? Earlier this week, stories emerged of the prime minister’s plans to once again bring forward the UK’s climate targets. According to the BBC, the government is set to announce that ‘carbon...

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Come clean about the cost of Net Zero

Going carbon-neutral would mean a drastic reduction in living standards, but no politician can admit it. The UK parliament’s Public Accounts Committee (PAC) published a report last week that found ‘there is no coordinated plan with clear milestones towards achieving’...

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The Cumbria coal mine must go ahead

The green blob's attempt to reverse a democratic decision is a disgrace. When plans for a coal mine were recently given the go-ahead by Cumbria County Council, green campaigners, journalists and quangocrats were outraged. They demanded that MPs, ministers and the...

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Democracy wakes up on the road to Net Zero

A FEW days ago the Times broke the story of a leaked memo from Whitehall, in which it was claimed that the government is considering economy-wide carbon taxes. Amongst the most troubling of these interventions were demands from academics and campaigners that the price...

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Why greens love lockdown

Greens now want harder, longer lockdowns to tackle climate change. Are they mad? Over the past year, the response to the Covid-19 pandemic has caused untold damage to people’s lives. Discussing whether draconian policies are effective, or whether there may be other...

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