According to new research from the University of Cambridge, the world’s growing and increasingly wealthy population must change its diet if environmental harm and catastrophic climate change are to be avoided. Lead researcher Bojana Bajzelj and her colleagues used...
There is no ‘dash for gas’
Contrary to green-hued reports, the UK is not about to be turned into a giant shale-gas drilling pad. This week, the UK Government announced a new round of licensing for onshore oil and gas exploration. Companies will make bids for a licence to drill for oil or gas in...
Don’t blame Russia for the anti-fracking panic
It isn’t Moscow's money that fuels fracking protests – it’s Europe’s own turn against development. According to the Financial Times, NATO secretary-general Anders Fogh Rasmussen told an audience at Chatham House in London that the Russian government has been working...
Using NASA to scare the masses into action
An apocalyptic report touted by doom-monger Nafeez Ahmed says more about its promoters than it does about civilisation's future. A recent Guardian article stated that a ‘NASA-funded study’ had predicted that ‘industrial civilisation’ is ‘headed for irreversible...
The global warming pause: the dangers of politicising science
A mainstay of environmentalists’ arguments for climate policies is that science can explain the past and present temperature of the planet, and, using computer models, project its likely future temperature. But, since the late 1990s, observations of temperature have...
Scientific adviser or court jester?
Sir Mark Walport’s demand that climate-change sceptics ‘grow up’ only reveals his ignorance about the climate debate. According to an article in The Times (London) earlier this week, the government’s chief scientific adviser, Sir Mark Walport, is about to start a...